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Centre for Materials Physics


Tap on an option below to see details of how to become an equipment user:

Member of the Department of Materials Science

1. Consult the Facility webpages to identify which equipment you are likely to use.

2. Complete the Application Form & send to Dr Nadia Stelmashenko (Lab manager for CMP and DMG).

3. Attend lab induction & training session with Dr Adrian Ionescu or Dr Nadia Stelmashenko.*

- Permission to book equipment granted.

- User is granted normal working hours access.

4. (Optional) For out of hours access to the lab, follow the procedures detailed in the Department Health & Safety Book, which can be found on the Department intranet.


* Short-term students (e.g. undergraduate, MPhil or first year DTC) must have a demonstrator to train and help them when using the equipment. Long-term members of the Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy (e.g. PhD students and Research Staff) will be given full training, ideally in groups, by a Facility Technician, Manager,  or other approved trainer.

Member of other University of Cambridge departments

1. Consult the Facility webpages to identify which equipment you are likely to want to use.

2. Raise a purchase order with sufficient funds to cover the work you intend to carry out (you will only be invoiced for the time you use the equipment for).

3. Read the Department Health & Safety Book and complete the steps detailed in the Safe Working Practices document, including a full Safety Test. All documents can be found on the Department intranet.

4. Complete the Application Form & send to Dr Nadia Stelmashenko (Lab manager for CMP and DMG).

- User added to the email list.

- University card updated to allow access to the Department.

5. Attend lab induction & training session with Dr Adrian Ionescu or Dr Nadia Stelmashenko (Lab manager for CMP and DMG).*

- Permission to book equipment  granted.

- User is granted normal working hours access to equipment.

6. (Optional) For out of hours access to the lab, follow the procedures detailed in the Department Health & Safety Book, which can be found on the Department intranet.

Members from outside the University of Cambridge

1. Consult the Facility webpages to identify which equipment you are likely to want to use.

2. Raise a purchase order with sufficient funds to cover the work you intend to carry out (you will only be invoiced for the time you use the equipment for).

3. Read the Department Health & Safety Book and complete the steps detailed in the Safe Working Practices document, including a full Safety Test. All documents can be found on the Department intranet. You must be connected to the University of Cambridge network to access the intranet. If this is not possible, please request copies of the latest documents from Dr Nadia Stelmashenko (Lab manager for CMP and DMG).

4. Complete the Application Form & send to Dr Nadia Stelmashenko (Lab manager for CMP and DMG).

- User added to the CMP email list.

5. Attend lab induction & training session with Dr Adrian Ionescu or Dr Nadia Stelmashenko.*

- Access to the equipment is arranged by appointment.


* Ideally the user has prior experience and/or works with an experienced user already registered with the facility. Otherwise, we provide limited training which would be charged to the purchase order.